Home » Courses & Fees

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Address: 825 Tampines St. 81, #01-48, Singapore 520825
Phone: 96210147 (whatsapp)
Email: z_h_chinese@yahoo.com

Courses & Fees

The table below are our weekly tuition courses for year 2024. One term = three months. There are 11 lessons per term. The fee is paid term by term, but not month by month.

Course Time Tuition Fee per term (SGD)
K2 Preparatory To be scheduled upon request 480
P1 Enrichment To be scheduled upon request 495
P2 Enrichment Fri 4:45–6:15 pm 495
P3 Enrichment Sat 2:15–3:45 pm 510
P4 Enrichment Thu 7-8:30 pm 510
P5 Enrichment (1 hr 45 min) Thu 4.15-6 pm CL, Sun 3-4.45pm CL, Fri 6:15–8pm HCL 540
P6 Enrichment (1 hr 45 min) Tue 4.45-6.30pm HCL, Wed 3:30–5:15 pm CL, Sun 1.15-3pm CL 555
S1 Enrichment Wed 5:15–6.45 pm 570
S2 Enrichment Tue 6.30-8 pm 585
S3 Enrichment (1 hr 45 min) Sun 10-11:45 am 625
S4 Enrichment (1 hr 45 min) Sat 11 –12:45 pm 640

Please call us if you are interested in JC courses or other courses that are not currently open. We may open a new course if there are at least two students or you are willing to pay increased tuition fee for one-on-one lessons.


  • New students can have one trial lesson before formally registering.
  • If you introduce a new student (not your own kid) to our centre who registers for at least one term of normal course, we will give you a $50 referral fee!


  • There is a one-time registration fee of $40 and a deposit of $60 for new students. The deposit will be returned when the student leaves the centre with at least one-month prior notice to us.
  • There are four terms each year and there are 11 lessons per term (please see “Academic Calendar” for details).
  • We accept payments term by term, but not lesson by lesson. If you sign up in the middle of a term, you need to pay for the remaining lessons in that term.
  • Enrichment courses are usually offered every term.
  • Some courses such as Pinyin, Oral & Listening, Composition, Elementary Chinese (for adults) courses are not automatically offered every term but may be offered if there are at least 3 students requesting for it. So please tell us if you want such courses.

Registration and payment methods:

  • We will need you to fill out a registration form, which we can pass to you when you come to our centre. Payment can be done by cash, cheque, bank transfer, PayNow, or credit card through paypal (details below). Please make sure to read the rules above about registration fee and deposit.
    Please call us if you aren’t sure about the correct fee.
  • Cheque:  Please make it payable to “Zhonghua Language Centre Pte Ltd”.
  • Bank transfer: Please contact us for details.
  • PayNow or PayLah: Please pay the correct tuition fee (plus reg fee and deposit for new students) to our UEN 201624987R, or scan the QR code below in the app. Please write down the student name and course information in the payment notes or notify us through email or sms.
  • Credit cardPlease click the ‘Buy Nowbutton below, input the correct in the checkout page, and write down the student name and course information in the payment notes or notify us through email or sms. Note that a 3% paypal transaction fee will be added to the final payment: 

